13. september 2006


It’s my mothers 64th birthday, and I have had my first art criticism published at kunstkritikk.no today. This has to be celebrated! So her is a picture of one of the greatest performance artists around: Liv Reidun Brakstad (just a year younger than my mother)

If you need more, have a look at Venus from Sandnes it’s all in Norwegian, but hopefully still worth reading

6. september 2006

doris salcedo

As already mentioned (May 2.) I’m thinking about writing a book, its an open secret… anyway I still keep my sketches to my self (most of the time) (I’m going to expose some of them in Bergen this weekend) but my inspiration will not be concealed.
Reading through a rather heavy text by
Mieke Bal, I came upon the Colombian artist Doris Salcedo. Checking on her work for the 8th Istanbul Biennale 2003 made my heart make a double jump. A gap in the row of buildings is filled with 1600 chairs. This work cannot be left uncommented upon; it is herby included in my imaginary sketches.

1. september 2006

strongly recommended:

Eli Glader opens new exhibition in Stavanger Kunstforening.
And while you're at it; do also take a trip to visit the exhibition of Anne Klovning in Sandnes Kunstforening.

It is difficult to imagine something less similar than these to shows, but even so, they are both giving us extremely interesting demonstration of the meaning of contemporary art today.